Thanks Jeremy! This did the trick, for everyone who comes to this topic:
add the following to your function.php
function filter_shorten_linktext($linkstring,$link) {
$characters = 33;
$displayedTitle = $matches[1];
$newTitle = shorten_with_ellipsis($displayedTitle,$characters);
return str_replace('>'.$displayedTitle.'<','>'.$newTitle.'<',$linkstring);
function shorten_with_ellipsis($inputstring,$characters) {
return (strlen($inputstring) >= $characters) ? substr($inputstring,0,($characters-3)) . '...' : $inputstring;
// This adds filters to the next and previous links, using the above functions
// to shorten the text displayed in the post-navigation bar. The last 2 arguments
// are necessary; the last one is the crucial one. Saying "2" means the function
// "filter_shorten_linktext()" takes 2 arguments. If you don't say so here, the
// hook won't pass them when it's called and you'll get a PHP error.
and the following on the place where you want the navigations
<div id="nav-below" class="navigation">
<div class="nav-previous">« <?php previous_post_link ( '%link', '%title' ) ?></div>
<div class="nav-next"><?php next_post_link( '%link', '%title »' ) ?> »</div>