Re-Directing a Multi-Site Install
I’ve looked through the forums, but haven’t found a situation that exactly matches mine… some are close, but I thought I’d start a new line of questioning just so I get the best possible options.
So, I have a wordpress multi-site install running 3.2.1 on my Media Temple gridserver system. It’s currenly installed in one of my subdomains. Before going live with this new site, the domain name was pointing at a different server hosting the old site, so I developed this new Multi-site install on the gridserver, in a directory that I planned to eventually re-direct the domain towards. Media Temple allows you to set up your directory with the domain that you’re planning to use without having the domain name pointed at it. I was able to access & develop via a “Site Access Domain” that looks something like this:
Now we’re ready to launch and I’ve re-directed the domain from the old server to the new, but when it loads, it still redirects from to which is showing in the browser.
I’m trying to figure out the best way to set things straight. so that it stays at the as well as being able to access all the subsites we’ve created, via the shorter domain name.
I’ve tried exporting my mysql database and running a find and replace on all instances of and changing it to
However when I load the new database, I can’t log into my site and it doesn’t load my customized childsite structure / theme, etc.. Just my text content and a default install of my chosen theme load. I also can’t login to the dashboard. It also still continues to re-direct.
I then also tried updating the siteURL in the wp-config.php file to, but then I get a database connection error. I read the article:
It says that I also should change the .httaccess file, but there’s no link in that file for me to change. Is something else supposed to be changed?I’ve also tried installing the domain mapping plugin for multi-site, but it’s problematic with the 3.2.1 install and doesn’t seem like best practices to me.
In the end, I think I did the database find and replace right (file weighs in around 10 megs), but I have a feeling there are more files within the WP system other than wp-config.php that I need to also scrub for find and replaces on the domain, but I’m not sure which and where.
Can someone give me a list of what files need replaced and if there’s anything else that needs to be done to the database?Sorry for the long post, but I’ve tried on my own for the last 48 hrs and am at the end of my rope.
thanks for any advice,
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