Blog content disappeearing when using visual editor
So far i’ve setup and designed about 30 wordpress blogs. This never happened before:
Sometimes, when saving a page content in visual editor, in the frontend, the whole page content disappears. When I go back to visual editor, it’s all there. Usually i switch to html mode, cut, save, paste, save and everything ist fine again.
Regarding posts i’ve read some people encountered the same problem. Turning off all plugins was advised. I tried the same. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. I mean: even with all plugins deactivated the error sometimes re-occurred. I couldn’t even use the cut save paste save trick. Someetimes it looked like turning off all plugins would help. But it looks more like pure luck.
Does anybody have the same problem?
All my plugins have been used on lots of my blogs, never had any problem.– html on pages
– all in one seo pack
– anti spam bee
– contact form 7
– google analyticator
– private only
– resize on upload
– si captcha anti spam
– tinymce advanced
– wp-slimbox 2cheers
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