• Help! I have read the instructions in the “readme” file and I am totally lost. It tells me to “Unzip the package in an empty directory and upload everything.”
    What does this mean, “upload” everything? I thought “upload” meant to transfer data from my PC onto a website. I just want to install the wordpress program… I haven’t started a blog yet so there is nothing to upload…

    Then it says “Open wp-admin/install.php in your browser. It will take you through the process to set up a wp-config.php file with your database connection details.”

    Well, I’ve tried opening that in both chrome & IE and all I get is a page of HTML script, no installer.
    I’ve no idea what I am supposed to do here.

    Then it tells me “If for some reason this doesn’t work, don’t worry. It doesn’t work on all web hosts. Open up wp-config-sample.php with a text editor like WordPad or similar and fill in your database connection details.”

    I have tried opening this again using WordPad and the same thing happens – a page full of HTML script.

    I am totally new at all this and clearly am missing something obvious to those who are more technologically savvy… I was told WordPress was really easy to use! Is there some sort of guide for really clueless beginners like me?

    Thanks for any help!

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  • I thought “upload” meant to transfer data from my PC onto a website.

    Correct. You can only run WordPress on a web server. If you do not want to purchase hosting yet, you may want to try installing WordPress locally

    What does this mean, “upload” everything? I thought “upload” meant to transfer data from my PC onto a website. I just want to install the wordpress program… I haven’t started a blog yet so there is nothing to upload…

    You need upload the content of wordpress folder server in root if installing in root or in folder if installing in folder

    Then it says “Open wp-admin/install.php in your browser. It will take you through the process to set up a wp-config.php file with your database connection details.”

    once you upload you will have the install program

    What does this mean, “upload” everything? I thought “upload” meant to transfer data from my PC onto a website.

    It does. Do you have a domain and a web host?

    I just want to install the wordpress program… I haven’t started a blog yet so there is nothing to upload…

    It’s not an executable that will run from your desktop. It has to be installed on a server environment.

    About WordPress > About www.remarpro.com

    Before You Install

    Thread Starter The Cynical Monk


    Thanks for all your help, folks, but I’m afraid I’m still lost.

    Just how do I upload the contents of the WordPress folder? I can’t see the option “upload” anywhere in IE or Chrome. When I open the file “install.php” in IE (as instructed to do so in the Readme”) I just get a page of HTML code.

    I thought WordPress was really simple… all I want to do is create a blog… please tell me there is some way of doing this without having a PhD in Astrophysics and slaying the savage Graths of Frondar.

    Or should I try to set up a blog another way? Is there an easier way, one designed for people who haven’t a clue?

    Have checked if your host offers a install program like fantastico if you using linux server and Cpanel you would have the feature use that to install wordpress.

    To use WordPress (self hosted from www.remarpro.com) you need to be able to upload the application to a server that you hav access to, usually a web host. Usually you get a FTP account there to be able to upload. You may also use cPanel, a preinstalled web application provided by your host.

    When uploading by FTP, you need a FTP client program. I use FireFTP, an extension to Firefox, but there are many alternatives. Then you have to set up this FTP client to connect to your web host (follow instructions from web host).

    As soon as your files are uploaded, and you know what database is available to you, then you are ready to install WordPress.

    If, on the other hand, you are not able to learn how to upload files, or do not want to pay for a web hosting account, you should consider using wordpress.com. WordPress.com takes care of everything, as long as you can make it through the registration process (username, email and password). WordPress.com offers free blogs, no hazzle at all.


    I’m curious, did you get an opportunity to go and read the information in this link as I suggested? Before You Install

    Just how do I upload the contents of the WordPress folder? I can’t see the option “upload” anywhere in IE or Chrome. When I open the file “install.php” in IE (as instructed to do so in the Readme”) I just get a page of HTML code.

    I ask because it speaks quite specifically to some of the questions you still have…

    “You will need to know how to use a text editor…”
    “You will need to be able to use an FTP program to upload files…”

    There’s even a link to a tutorial on how to use an ftp client to upload your files.

    Perhaps to get started, you should consider taking a look at the wordpress.com option, as Knut Sparhell suggests.

    [edit] …just wanted to add, thanks for the smile.. For some reason, I could not help myself from reading your last response in the voice of Billy Mays! Very well constructed. Made me grin! ??

    Thread Starter The Cynical Monk


    Thanks for all your help folks, but I have discovered something much easier to use for me… Blogger. I shall return to WordPress when I am further down the line.

    You can’t compare Blogger to a self hosted WordPress blog. Blogger is a service, just like WordPress.com. And using Blogger is certainly not easier than WordPress.com. By having a blog at WordPress.com you will learn how to blog with WordPress. This will be useful if you one day want to set up your own WordPress.org blog.

    What the huge difference between having your own (self hosted and at your own domain) blog and just using a service I might explain in detail another time.

    In the mean time, happy blogging.

    @knut Sparhell

    Well, we tried! ??

    You know, the complete lack of a direct response or even an interested reply to any of our suggestions, sort of gives me that “professional troll” feeling from thecynicalmonk. Seems like way too many “trouble points”, yet no interest in a constructive dialog, and all culminating in: “Blogger… YAY!!

    It think we’ve been had! Just sayin… ??

    Thread Starter The Cynical Monk


    @knut Sparhell

    Well, we tried! ??

    You know, the complete lack of a direct response or even an interested reply to any of our suggestions, sort of gives me that “professional troll” feeling from thecynicalmonk. Seems like way too many “trouble points”, yet no interest in a constructive dialog, and all culminating in: “Blogger… YAY!!”

    I’m sorry if I gave that impression.
    I would like to use WordPress, but it just seems so complicated to get started – as I think I explained, all this is new to me. For instance, it seems I need “hosting” to begin with, which presumably means I have to first of all hire a hosting service before I can even start.

    I’m not saying Blogger is better than WordPress, I have no idea, but consider this, folks: It took me about 30 seconds to create a blog with Blogger. But with WordPress setup, it seems I have to do some sort of a course before I can even start using it. I have no “hosting”, so where does that leave me?

    I’m sure you are right that in the long-term it is far better to have a self-owned blog using WordPress, and I would like to make this happen, but please try and understand – this may all seem really simple and obvious to you, but to me it’s a vast whirlwind of confusing terminology.

    I will keep trying with WordPress, as I know that my ignorance is a stumbling block I have to get past. But in the meantime I want to press on and put some of my stuff online, and Blogger seems to be an easier choice at the moment.

    But please don’t think I’m not grateful for all your help and suggestions. And I’m sorry if I have come across as uninterested or irritating.


    You still don’t get it.

    Creating a blog at WordPress.com takes you 29 seconds or less, even with absolutely no knowledge on how to install a blog. And after that, WordPress.com is easier to use, more intitive and much more useful for you, than Blogger. Even though Blogger is not bad at all.

    WordPress.com is not the same as www.remarpro.com. WordPress.com is preinstalled WordPress blogs based on the same software as we are talking about at www.remarpro.com, offered as a service in the same manner as Blogger.

    Young customer in car saloon: I want a simple car – easy to drive!
    Car salesman: Yes, we have this smashing elegant model of our brand, perfect for you!
    Customer: I have the money, when can I start driving it?
    Salesman: Do you have a drivers license?
    Customer Huh? Do I need ane education to drive this car?
    Salesman: Just a license …
    Two days later:
    Customer to salesman: I found it! There are mopeds for hire just a few miles away up north. Much easier, no license and all. Much simpler than this complicated car of yours!
    Salesman: Ehh .. not quite the samt thing, may be. But .. happy driving! By the way – did you miss entirely that we also hire out mopeds in this building?

    Thread Starter The Cynical Monk


    OK Knut! (and everyone else who has taken the time to respond to my posts)

    Now I get it!

    I have been to WordPress.com and registered, and it does seem to be the same kind of process as Blogger.

    The funny thing (and the source of my confusion) was an “installer” package I downloaded yesterday, and I see now that it was from www.remarpro.com not wordpress.com.

    I shall now set up my blog using the new account I have created on wordpress.com.

    Everyone seems to say that it is much better to use WordPress than Blogger – is that still the case if I am using the online (.com) version rather than the .org version with all its .php files?

    Thanks again for your help, and sorry if I have been a pain.

    And by the way, I like the car / moped metaphor.

    yes as far as using wordpress is the same but there are some restrictions where you can not add any plugins or add themes you use what they provide but is good place to start learning how to use wordpress and once you familiar and now want to have wordpress with out restrictions then you will have to install wordpress on your own host.

    Thread Starter The Cynical Monk


    OK… And when I reach that stage, can I transfer everything I’ve already written to the new host?

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