• I am running WordPress V. 2.9.2 and I loaded the WPtouch V. 1.9.34 it was very easy to set this up and it worked right away. What I found days later that the main wordpress site had changed to the mobile site while the mobile site stayed working fine. I had to deactivate the plug-in and the first time I had a code error that shut my blog down for 1 day since I was not able to even log into the site, I tried a second time and looked for errors, it was up for days when a friend called and said the main site was back to looking like the mobile version. Do you think this was just an upgrade needed to my wordpress site or has anyone else encountered this problem. The upgrade feature on wordpress has always caused problems and much work to get the site back up looking normal, so we don’t update often. This was a nice plug in and I might need it for a customers website I am working on just wanted to see what others have to say about this.

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