• Id like to give users the ability to have a page where only categories they are interested in show up. Making it easier to browse through things they really care about.

    Any insight or help is much appreciated, thanks in advance and cheers!

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  • Obviously you’ll need them to register so you can store the data in their user profile. Then you’re going to want to look at a plugin like WP Favourite Posts and modify it to ‘favourite’ the categories ID’s instead.

    Wrap the page in a check to see if the user is logged in and you’re off to the races.

    Thread Starter p00fthedrag0n


    Thanks so much for the speedy reply, it is much appreciated! Downloaded this plugin and I think it will be great use to me. I’ve modified it to allow users to “save” posts, not necessarily favorite them and I think i can figure out how to make it call categories rather than individual posts.

    However Im not sure I can allow users to create different pages which display different categories with this route. For example say a user (john) likes the following categories; cars, planes, fashion, celebrities, travel, politics, and business. I want to figure out how to allow john to create 3 different pages.

    Page 1) Calls posts in the cars, planes, and travel categories

    while page 2) Calls posts in the fashion, and celebrity categories

    Finally page 3) Calls Travel, Politics, and Business

    Ultimately allowing John to follow things he cares about in a more targeted and organized way.

    Thanks again Curtis, like i said the tip is much appreciate!!

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