• I am trying to change the CSS font type and color in Coraline. I can’t seem to find the area of the style sheet where it indicates the fonts and font colors used in the widgets on the sidebar. I would like to change those as well as the color the links change to when I hover over them.

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  • Go to your site, and hover over the element you want to change (sidebar text, for example) in your browser and right-click and look for Inspect Element to see what the declaration is called in the style sheet. From there, you just need to find the line that has that same declaration, and then you can modify it’s hex color.

    This is exactly my question- how to change fonts in coraline. When you say ‘hover over the element you want to change’ I presume you mean Appearances> Editor> is this right? what I can see then is the different templates on the right hand side. From here I haven’t found anywhere to hover and right click. Am I on the wrong track?

    Try using Firefox with the Firebug add-on.

    No, Nick, not exactly. This isn’t a dashboard thing, you need to be on the site itself (the front end) and you use an inspection tool to identify the thing on your page you want to change, and then you locate that line of code in the stylesheet file that is on your server, inside of your WordPress files. You will need to open your style.css document in a code editor (like Notepad or TextEdit) and change it there, then upload the change to your server via FTP.

    Here’s some background on how WordPress uses CSS

    If that’s not your thing, there are themes that offer dashboard interfaces for customization, both free and for-pay. Definitely worth a Google search.

    Jerry that is so helpful. I’ve previously worked out how to change the code by transfering files via filezilla and editing them on my pC with notepad. Having read your message I can now see how to find the lines of code that relate to what I want to change- excellent!
    I’ve highlighted the words of my web page title and it comes out with font ‘inherrited’. So next off I need to find out where it’s inherrited them from!
    I am getting the hang of this gradually and have found peoples advice and hints and times extremely helpful. Thank you very much- I’ll check out the link you’ve sent me

    Yippee! I’ve managed to change the font. Next step changing the colour. Thank so much!

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