• Hi all – I’m putting together a site for a friend and I can’t decide the best way to go about it. It’s a personal site that will have two distinct sections: one is a blog about his current battle with cancer, and the other is a blog & some static pages related to his work (so he can continue to stay connected to that part of his life even though he can’t travel or do trainings in person anymore).

    He wants one static landing page, from which people can choose whether to go to the personal side or the work side. Those two sides will then be entirely separate – I might make a button or something that links to the other one, but the menu, pages and posts will be different.

    The only other factor to consider is that I’d like to make it as easy as possible for him to update.

    Given all of that, I can think of two and a half options and I’m not sure which one is best:

    a) Use two completely separate installations of WordPress (e.g. domain.org/personal and domain.org/work) and just have him log into whichever one he wanted to update.

    b) Use WPMU somehow.

    c) Use some combination of clever plugins, two different header.php files, etc. to make one site that acts like two. I call this a half an option ’cause I’d be totally making it up, but if it allowed him to only have to log in once & post from one installation, I’d be willing to try to muddle through it.

    Any advice would be greatly welcomed; thanks for your time.

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  • I think that options a and b are much too complex.. Let’s keep this simple.

    I would create a Page like you say and have two big buttons – one to personal, one to work.

    Then I would set up 2 blog CATEGORIES.

    I would then link the buttons to the 2 separate categories.

    If you want to you can style the header to be different depending on which category you are in.

    If you look at this site – https://www.ninelions.ca/ I did exactly that. Landing page with about and 2 different divisions of the company. I then gave the different categories a different colour.

    Thread Starter yaydesign


    Thanks, Christine – I would love to have it be as simple as two categories, but since each section would also have static pages involved and would need different menus, I’m not sure how to go about that.

    Let’s say the personal section has a blog, a “guestbook” page and a page of photos. The work section has a blog, a page of downloadable files and a different page of photos. Each section should only have its own pages show up in the menu. Maybe I could create a second menu in functions.php & just have each header file call the menu for that side?

    Ah yes, that’s a bit more complex.

    What you could do is set up a page, say Personal, then set up the sub-pages that are children of Personal, so the sub-pages and a personal category.

    Next do the same for the other page and call it work or whatever you think is best.

    Then you can set up two menus like you mentioned.

    and in your header, you can do an if/else statement.

    If is_page(‘personal’) — display this menu
    else display that menu.

    It’s totally doable…

    Just thinking about this again, the ninelions.ca site is pretty much what you described.
    I have pages that belong to fund development and other pages that belong to coaching.
    I have 2 menus and I display a different menu in the sidebar depending on what section or category I’m in.

    I used this code in my sidebar.php:

    if (is_page(5) || $post->post_parent==5 || is_category(1) || in_category(1)) {
      wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu' => 'Fund' ) ); 
     } elseif(is_page(11) || $post->post_parent==11  || is_category(6) || in_category(6)) {
    wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu' => 'Coaching' ) );

    Obviously your page and category numbers will be different.

    Thread Starter yaydesign


    Oh, neat! It’s slightly more complicated PHP than I normally play with, but I’ll totally give it a shot. Thanks so much for your help; I truly appreciate it.

    Thread Starter yaydesign


    Christine, I’m hoping I can impose upon you one more time – the theme I’m using has some fairly complicated nested functions and I’m having a hard time merging your awesome if/else code with the menu function.

    The code I need to replace is as follows:

    $out .= wp_nav_menu(
    	'theme_location' => 'primary-menu',
    	'container_class' => 'jqueryslidemenu',
    	'menu_class' => ( !has_nav_menu( 'primary-menu' ) ? 'jqueryslidemenu' : ''),
    	'echo' => false,
    	'walker' => ( has_nav_menu( 'primary-menu' ) ?  new mysiteDescriptionWalker() : '')

    I keep getting “unexpected ‘if’ found” or “unexpected ‘<‘ found!” or unexpected this or that found. I am obviously coding over my head.

    Any ideas about how to turn that into something like yours?

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