• Resolved Jawillde


    We are using MemecacheD for all caching except for Objects where we are using APC. Running the most recent version of W3 Total Cache.

    We use Rackspace for our CDN network. I’ve tried changing the minify cache options, but to no avail. On the CDN tab the Host minified CSS and JS files is grayed out.

    I run a few different WP sites and it is happening on all of them.


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  • Here too we use Rackspace as CDN, and W3TC in a Litespeed installation. We’re using disk cache (we’ve disabled disk enhanced because of the “no cache issue” discussed in other threads, and had also to disable eAccelerator, which resulted in a blank screen when the CDN feature was enabled) and have a grayed out host minified files with CDN.

    Any help would be welcome!

    Same Here, I use Self CDN Host.

    I Think this is a BUG related with the Minify mode.

    I Run W3TC in 2 blogs, the option Host minified CSS and JS files only works on blog that I use Minfy mode: Manuall.

    Thread Starter Jawillde


    It must be something else. We are using Manual Minify on all our installations.


    under the minify details options

    you need to have “rewrite URL structure” checked

    Erik Ford


    We are using Rackspace Cloud Files, for CDN, and the “Host Minified CSS and JS files” option is not available to us.

    under the minify details options

    you need to have “rewrite URL structure” checked

    I checked this option and it is enabled but still unable to use the “Host…” option. Is this related to a step I missed somewhere? Anyone else experiencing this and know of a fix?

    We are 99% there and this is the only problem I am having.

    Thanks in advance.

    If this is still an issue could you please submit a bug submission form from the Support page in the plugin?

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  • The topic ‘[Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Host minified files with CDN option not available’ is closed to new replies.