Not working, gallery has the same comments as on album/post, as before.
What do you mean by editing the gallery? Under manage gallery there are no options about commenting.
Also, if you have Simple Facebook Connect(for commenting) on, it displays gallery three times, two extra times before the content, but this is SFC plugin’s error and disabling it shows a gallery only once. Still, disabling any plugins won’t make gallery comments work…
Using the latest version of WP (3.2.1) and NGG.
Good thing though that I found it just the time when I needed it, let’s hope that it will get to work.
Edit: Inserting a comment on gallery redirects to /wp-comments-post.php, stops loading and shows a blank page. Inserting comment on album post will show them still on gallery.
Another and much easier way would also to convert all the galleries into regular posts, but there seems to be no easy way to do it.