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  • Plugin Author roberto.c


    Hi, did you read the instruction in the readme.txt file?
    I mean, about the nggallery folder.

    Let me know, I will help you.

    Thread Starter designophobia


    Is the custumization of the nggallery folder necessary or optional? I thought it was optional so I skipped it.

    Plugin Author roberto.c


    Ok i found the problem, monday i will upload a new release and a wordpress installation where to check for demo and all instructions.

    Have a good weekend ??

    Plugin Author roberto.c


    Ok no time for weekend ??
    I uploaded version 0.1.1, now it works with fresh install.
    Let me know if all will be ok ??

    Thread Starter designophobia


    I still can’t get the comment form to show after updating to Version 0.1.2.

    Plugin Author roberto.c


    Hi, what version of WP are you usìng?

    Do you have active some plugins that modify the comments?

    Plugin Author roberto.c


    Ok i figured out.

    If you edit and save your gallery, the comments will show.

    This is because i need to add a script inside the activaction function of the plugin in order to check the existing galleries and fix connection with comments script.

    Tomorrow i will release new version.

    For now, let me know if editing the gallery will show the comments.

    Thread Starter designophobia


    OK, the comment form is displaying now. Is commenting only allowed on the gallery and not the individual pictures?

    Not working, gallery has the same comments as on album/post, as before.

    What do you mean by editing the gallery? Under manage gallery there are no options about commenting.

    Also, if you have Simple Facebook Connect(for commenting) on, it displays gallery three times, two extra times before the content, but this is SFC plugin’s error and disabling it shows a gallery only once. Still, disabling any plugins won’t make gallery comments work…

    Using the latest version of WP (3.2.1) and NGG.

    Good thing though that I found it just the time when I needed it, let’s hope that it will get to work.

    Edit: Inserting a comment on gallery redirects to /wp-comments-post.php, stops loading and shows a blank page. Inserting comment on album post will show them still on gallery.

    Another and much easier way would also to convert all the galleries into regular posts, but there seems to be no easy way to do it.

    Plugin Author roberto.c


    Ok i have uploaded new version.
    Now all existing galleries before the plugin activation will show the comment form.


    I found a problem that i can’resolve right now:

    For now, comments are show on galleries only when they are not called directly in post/page with shortcode. Example:

    [nggallery id=X] —-> gallery comments are not showed

    [album id=X] —-> gallery comments are showed (Not in album list, but inside the gallery page)

    I will check in next releases to find a way to do it.
    for “editing the gallery” i mean to go in admin->nextgen gallery->manage gallery->click to the gallery and then click update, but there is no need with the new release.

    “Inserting a comment on gallery redirects to /wp-comments-post.php, stops loading and shows a blank page. Inserting comment on album post will show them still on gallery.”

    What do you mean? Could you write an example?

    Grazie, works now, only I needed to remove the regular post/album comments on my theme, because it shows commenting field twice on gallery.

    When I try to also use Simple Facebook Connect plugin for comments, connecting with Facebook actually works, which is great, but it shows the gallery wit commenting before the content. It doesn’t depend from a theme.

    Phew, sorted it out, just had to add those line in my theme after when it calls the content (<?php the_content(); ?>), though calling the content didn’t seem to work it this case:

    $GLOBALS[‘nggShowGallery’] = true;
    $GLOBALS[‘subalbum’] = true;

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