• Hi bloggers and blogerettes!

    I am hoping that out there in WordPress-Land that there may well be a helpful and knowledgable soul who can assist this novice with some plain talking?

    I am having great difficulty in getting my posts to be moved to their relative categories in my header menu. I have asked a few people for help but when they start with the ” just use a plug-in with CSS and update the umpah with A3-dogley doo ” then I just get lost!

    I have very limited experience with blogging, and none with web design or ttemplate building and html or coding.

    If there is someone out there who can just explain to me in plain English how I get my published posts to go into the relative categories after I have published them I will be extremely grateful! ( you don’t know how much! )

    The posts at the moment just stay on the ‘first page’ ( so to speak ), and stay there in one continuous list, whereas they should go into their own sections.

    For example:


    I post in news and mark the categpory on the article dashboard page but it does not go into the ‘news’ section on my header menu bar?

    Can anyone help for pity’s sake!?!

    fingers crossed


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