• I just recently deleted my cookies and when I did my WordPress started to goof up. When I try to log into my WordPress admin area it only gives me a blank page if I put in the correct info. If I type in wrong info it will give me an error. I’ve tried the following:

    1. reuploaded wp-admin and wp-includes directories
    2. changed code in vars.php that was recommended in forums

    If you think you know whats up plz help. I did search the forums sorry I couldn’t find what might be there.

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  • I’ve done this a couple times. I think you accidently turned off cookies in the process, or disallowed your domain to set cookies (this can all be changed in your browser settings). Check that again, and if that’s not it, you’ve got a serious problem :p … try another browser, to test.

    Thread Starter mickeydmongo


    I think I have them turned on I’m using FireFox and I tried Internet Explorer. Using either I couldn’t login.

    I have had the same problem. I have multiple users on the blog, all using different browsers, and one day none of us could log in. Before I wiped my cookies I was able to get to the login screen by going to wp-admin, but now I can’t access that either. I am able to type in a login/pass from login.php, but then it goes to a blank screen. jalenack, you mentioned that somehow cookies became disallowed by the domain…how might someone fix that?

    Kidd, I was talking about a feature in Firefox, probably other browsers too, where there’s a checkbox that says “Don’t allow sites that set removed cookies to set future cookies” …

    But obviously, because multiple users/browsers can’t log in, that’s not the problem. Sorry, I have no idea >:-(

    Are you running a firewall such as Zone Alarm? I ran into the same problem some time back with Zone Alarm Pro after it ran an automatic update that turned on settings to block referrers and “third party” cookies, which included any cookies that showed the ip address instead of the domain name. Try shutting down your firewall briefly and see if the problem remains. (Be sure to empty your browser cache and restart your broswer first.) If the problem goes away with the firewall off, then you need to dig into that and possibly contact the firewall tech support.

    More info on these two threads:


    Thanks for the suggestion, Tomhanna, but as I said, this is a login problem for several users, all on different computers (mac and IBM) all using different browsers and firewalls, and everyone has the same exact problem – blank screen after login. The only other thing I can think of is something that I found on one thread about a potential server upgrade that messes with some cookies settings…I dunno…My webhost is globat, if that matters. Their tech support is somewhat (very) lacking…

    I may just have to wipe clean and try again – it’s so strange when stuff happens out of nowhere…

    Ok – I resolved my issue, don’t know if it was the same as Mickey’s. It was a plugin problem – the Most Wanted Plugin – and it wasn’t working because I had messed up and forgotten to install the plugin required for Most Wanted (which i didn’t know you needed), and somehow that is what screwed it up…I deactivated it, and whalla! No problems now.

    Thread Starter mickeydmongo


    I never found out what was wrong. I went ahead and replaced all the files excluding my altered theme files and everything is working again… strange o well.

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