• That i get when i am trying the registration, with login no problems.
    I am working with multisite, register from main site, have actually only one site, the main one
    No other plugin runs
    Fixed as suggested in some other note, i.e.
    redirect = data.children(‘#simplemodal-login-redirect’); in the java file

    Any other idea???

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  • I’m stuck on this exact same issue. I have multisite as well with the simple modal used only on the main page. Were you able to resolve this?



    I think this plugin has some issues. It hasn’t been updated in more than a year. Here’s another report of this same bug from more than a year ago:


    Most of the functionality works for me, but registering a new user does not. I get the “empty_both” error message. Looking at the code, it looks to me like “empty_both” in js/default.js should be “empty_all” but even that is only correcting the error message. The cause of the error message appears to me to be that the registration form fields are wrong. If you go to WordPress’s registration page, the Username field is “user_name”, but in the simplemodal login registration box is “user_login”.

    I noticed the plugin is registering user, despite giving the error. So I changed the js to check if it was on the registration form and assume all was ok.

    Find and change the ’empty_both’ part of default.js to:

    else if (loginform.length) {
    		$('p:first', form[0]).before(
    				.html('<strong>Thank you!</strong><br/>Please check your email for registration details')
    				.attr('id', 'login_message')
    		activity.hide(); fields.show();
    		s.showError(form, ['empty_both']);
    		activity.hide(); fields.show();

    And add the following to default.css:

    #simplemodal-login-container #login_message {
    	background-color: #FFFFCC;
    	border:1px solid #FF9900;

    Just remember it will only fix things if the registration is actually working even though it gives the ’empty_both’ error (check your user lists).

    I will try to see if I can recreate the issue. If someone having the issue could send me (eric at ericmmartin.com) a link to their site, I can take a closer look.

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