• I have upgraded to the most recent WP version and ever since I have not been able to see the main “comments” page or any of it’s sub pages in my dashboard.

    Every time I click on the “comments” link on the sidebar it takes me straight to the main page of my site but the link says it is going to that page but I don’t see it.
    That is the URL that is in my address bar when I click the “comments” link.

    The only way I can see my pending comments is if I login to the dashboard or go to the main page of the dashboard and click on the pending comments link in the “right now” section. I can only see active comments if I have the “recent comments” section up on my dashboard.

    Why is this? I have tried deactivating all of the plugins then clicking on that link but it still does not work for me. :/

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  • tigtog


    Sounds like there may have been a minor glitch in the upgrade and one of the necessary files wasn’t fully uploaded/upgraded.

    You may have to reinstall some files manually, or redo the update.

    Thread Starter DudeThatsErin


    Okay, I will try that now.

    Thread Starter DudeThatsErin


    I tried that but that didn’t work. It still takes me to the front page of my website.

    Thread Starter DudeThatsErin


    Anyone know anything to help me?

    @dudethatserin: “I tried that”

    Tried what? Reinstalling some files manually, or redoing the update? What steps did you take? What version are you running? URL? What is the role you’re logged in as (admin, editor, author, etc)?

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