Hi esmi,
Thank you for the response, and the suggestions.
I did what you said, and switched to the Twenty Eleven theme, and, apparently, the problem isn’t with the theme.
I then tried deactivating all plug-ins, and the problem was still persisting.
Then, I decided to go to The WordPress Feeds page:
In my Feeds Widget, I was using this code for the posts:
<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>
The resulting link would be this:
Then, I tried switching to:
<?php bloginfo(‘rss_url’); ?>
Resulting link:
The result is a lot better. If you click on:
You will see that it is better.
Still, in my Reading Settings, “Syndication feeds show the most recent,” I have it set to display 250, and only the last 10 post feeds are displaying. Interesting, when I view the source on that page, it does show them all. But, in RSS, only the last 10.
I am having the same thing happen with comment feeds as well.
So, while this is much better, it is still not optimal.
Do you have anymore suggestions? Incidentally, I am using Google Chrome. Could that also be contributing to this?
Thank you,