This is the code they used:
title="Greatest American Actors (PHOTOS)" />
<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml+oembed"
title="Greatest American Actors (PHOTOS)" />
This is a simple embed code for HTML.
XML file called (with no format):
<oembed><version>1.0</version><type>link</type><objectid>889471</objectid><title>Greatest American Actors (PHOTOS)</title><url></url><abstract><p>The number of American-born all-time greats in the field of writing, painting, and composing is legion, but given the nation's relative inception (conceived on July 4th, 1776, for those wondering), the late start afforded citizens of the United States in those fields has largely rendered their significance and impact to secondary status, at least in historical studies and critics lists.</p>
<p>On the other hand, the rise of Hollywood and its moving pictures can trace long parallels with the emergence of the...</p></abstract><taxonomy>Entertainment</taxonomy><date_published>2011-07-03T19:06:00-04:00</date_published></oembed>
Sorry, but I don’t know how to use the rest, I think they used a service to generate XML?
At the beginning and end the XML code says <oembed>code content</oembed>
Hope this helps!