Wow, I could write for hours about this question!
Rather than writing a book, I’ll summarize- the more links you have into your pages, the better your ranking in the top search engines, so submitting to well ranked directories is key to the success of your web promotion. The more specific the directory the more it helps you. For instance, if your site is about custom cars then submit to all the automotive directories you can find, as well as in the automotive sections of the general directories.
a few helpful links–
And this one should keep you busy for days and days:
I have 8 sites at present that I manage. Weekly I submit all of them to at least 5 new places. That takes around a half hour to an hour. All are slowly creeping up in Google pagerank quite nicely, though this takes awhile because Google does “sandbox” your incoming links to make sure they’re true links.
Good luck!