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  • I have recently installed your theme on my website at and I love it. I am however experiencing a bug? problem? something is wrong? with the menu, I have the main menu, with sub categories such as


    Now, when the mouse isn’t over the main menu it looks fine, however, when I scroll over it instead of dropping down as it should, the menu does this horrid bounce/shake thing and then looks exceptionally bad.
    Is this something I’m doing wrong, a setting that I’ve missed? Please advise me as soon as possible because I truly like this theme and want to stick with it, but I have to have things working correctly.

    I will leave the menu up for a couple of days and you can look at it yourself.

    Thanks for your time and your hard work!

    Theme Author kevinweber


    Hello TiffannieAmber,
    nice to hear that you like the theme TwentyXS!

    Your problem is actually a bug (many thanks for the hint/your post!). I’m going to work on permantent a solution.

    This should help in your case:
    1. Go to the TwentyXS Settings page of your blog.
    2. Remove the tick from the option ‘Centred Navigation’.
    3. Insert the following code into the ‘Custom CSS’ box:
    #access .menu-header > ul {margin-right:21px;}

    Did this solve your problem?

    Best regards

    Yes, that solved the bouncing issue, a couple of questions though,
    shouldn’t the links in the menu turn pink as they’re moused over? Or is that only with custom links in the bloggroll/rss/posts?

    Also, I’m sorry to seem like such a goof about this, but is there a way for me to perhaps color and or smooth out the general look of the menu?

    It functions (thanks to your CSS!) but it doesn’t do so smoothly and the ability to change the color of it (to set it apart from the rest of the pages) would be phenomenal!

    Thanks so so much!


    Theme Author kevinweber


    No, the links in the menu shouldn’t turn pink as they’re moused over yet. But with the next update this should change.

    Here is the most important code to change the headmost navigation’s style manually:

    [CSS code moderated – please use the pastebin or post a link to your site]

    Just insert it into the ‘Custom CSS’ box and customize the colours etc.

    Best wishes

    may I ask you for a help? I would like to remove the title of the page which is on the top of every page – for example if I click on “Gallery” in the menu then “Gallery” page opens but on the top of it I see a name Gallery. Where can I remove that?
    And also – can I modify height of comment field? I would like to reduce the space for each comment.
    Thanks in advance!
    Great theme! ??

    Theme Author kevinweber


    But of course you can ask me for help ??

    To modify height of the comment field paste the following code into the ‘Custom CSS’ box on your TwentyXS Settings page and change the number in front of ‘px’ as you like:
    #respond textarea {height:100px;}

    I could give you a code snippet that removes the title-elements from the whole blog. But you want to remove the titles from single pages only, don’t you? So paste the following code in advance. It will work when the next update of TwentyXS is available:
    .content-post .entry-title{display:none;}


    Thank you SO SO much for your fast response!!! I am happy! ??
    I just want to make my question about the comments more precise:
    I would like to reduce the space between comments that are already posted not the “Leave a reply” area. So now – when comment appears on the page it looks like this:
    (space here)

    admin says:
    March 7, 2012 at 12:59 pm (Edit)

    Test comment 1-2

    (space here) ______________________________________________________________

    and there is some space above and under this comment between the text and the horizontal line which separates comments. So, I wanted to know if it is possible to reduce the space between the text and horizontal line (in my example I identify this area as (space here)).

    And could you give me the code snippet that removes the title-elements from the whole blog? Would like to test it!!!

    And one more question – can I somehow change the language of the comments? For example reply link is in English as well as “Leave a Reply” area and the small name “says” after a nick says (f.ex. admin says…) is in English but I would need it in Danish ??
    Sorry for me being so complicated!

    Theme Author kevinweber


    Delete title-elements from the whole blog:
    #content .entry-title{display:none;}

    The code to solve the ‘space’-problem:

    h3#comments-title {padding-bottom:5px;}
    ol.commentlist {margin-bottom:5px !important;}
    #respond {margin-top:5px;}

    Sorry, I can’t help you relating to the change of the language for now. You could edit the code manually. Maybe I can help you in two weeks (or so) when I’ve more time.

    Best wishes

    Thank you for the help!
    I would very much appreciate if you could advise me where to change the language, I can wait 2 weeks ??

    Theme Author kevinweber


    Hey luseens,

    go to your wp-config.php file and search for a line that looks like this:
    define ('WPLANG', 'en_EN');
    Replace en_EN by da_DK
    (More informations: Installing WordPress in your language)

    Then go to the ‘languages’ folder of your TwentyXS theme.
    Download the necessary language file ( and upload it. Most things should be translated afterwards.

    With regards,

    Hi, Kevin!
    Thank you so much! It works almost great ?? but unfortunately this text in comment field is still in English:

    Leave a Reply
    Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *
    Name *
    Email *

    You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <abbr title=””> <acronym title=””…..

    Can I change it somehow manually? I have tried to find where to change it but no luck yet..

    Best regards,

    Theme Author kevinweber


    Hi luseens,

    To change it manually, you have to edit comments.php.
    At the lower end of the file you find the following line:
    <?php comment_form(); ?>

    Replace this line with the code (from pastebin) and customise it as you want:

    Best regards,

    Hi Kevin!
    Sorry for late reply but THANK YOU SO MUCH! It works great! The only thing that is left in English now is “Reply” after each comment and I have spent time on searching where to change it to Danish but no luck yet ?? could you give me some advice how to solve this problem?

    You are the best!!! ??

    Theme Author kevinweber


    luseens, go to functions.php and search for

    <div class="reply">
    			<?php comment_reply_link( array_merge( $args, array( 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'] ) ) ); ?>
    		</div><!-- .reply -->

    Change it to:

    <div class="reply">
    			<?php comment_reply_link( array_merge( $args, array( 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'], 'reply_text' => __('Reply') ) ) ); ?>
    		</div><!-- .reply -->

    I changed but it didn’t help :/ hmmm….

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