• Hi,
    i wanted to move the content of this page to the right:

    Including headline, it should be in the same position like the “Leave a Reply” headline.

    Tried it already with

    #content {
        margin: 0 70px 0 30px !important;

    in style.css but it only moves the text/content in Articles/on the front page.


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  • Try adding something like:

    .entry {margin-left:40px;}

    to your theme’s stylesheet and adjust the margin value accordingly.

    Thread Starter pwndius_pilatus


    Wow! Nice thank you, it works. But the header doesnt move…how to fix that? TIA.

    Change it to:
    .pagetitle, .entry {margin-left:50px;}

    Thread Starter pwndius_pilatus


    nice, thanks for the help and support!!

    No problem ??

    Thread Starter pwndius_pilatus


    mh..at my first look it worked, but now the article content is moving too.

    The problem is, that the Article content is already slightly moved to the right, but when I set the CSS-value of the page content like above, the PAGE content is moving to the right like i wanted and so is the article content.

    Is there a chance to only control the PAGE content, without muddling the Article content design? I mean the Article content is already more to the right…

    Sorry, I am new to CSS and WordPress ??

    Thread Starter pwndius_pilatus




    .page .pagetitle, .page .entry {margin-left:40px;}

    Thread Starter pwndius_pilatus


    mh…still the same probleme.
    the article content is moving too…
    I am not so optimistic, but maybe I’ll find a way with intense source code investigating…

    will donate 5 € this evening for your side, because of your help ??

    Thread Starter pwndius_pilatus


    okay..trying it the other way…how to control the content in a article. so when i put the .page content to the right, the .article content will move to. when i use a css-code to put the .article content to the left again..everything would be okay.
    p.s: donated^^

    Thread Starter pwndius_pilatus


    still cant find it. tried all snippets above, still doesnt work.


    Not sure I understand what you want to achieve, but if you want to horizontal-align “Release-Termine” and the text with the comments box,

    .page{margin-left: 50px;}

    should work.

    Thread Starter pwndius_pilatus


    What I want is to move to the content in the “Release-Termine”-Page (its a pure page, not an article) to move to the right. When I use your code or one of the other ones, its pushes the page-content to the right, but also all my articles sites, what i not want… The article content is always moving to…thats what I not want ??

    ok, I think I finally understand :P. Try this:

    #blog-page{margin-left: 50px;}

    (This shouldn’t apply to single post, archive posts, latest post, etc.)
    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    Thread Starter pwndius_pilatus


    Finally my hero appeared ^^
    Thank you very much!! It works: the article content is fixed even if I move the page content to the right!!
    Thank you, thank you!!

    p.s: btw..hope my english isnt so bad…that ppl dont understand me^^

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