Interesting site. Great header with the title mirrored in the foreground. Great work on that.
First things, I found a few errors that need to be cleaned up.
I found that it took too long to get to the content. The use of the page 1, 2, 3… is fine, but that gives me the feeling that I’m looking at one post that has many pages. And why invite me to look at past pages when I haven’t even gotten to the first one, which is still a scroll down? This link is best found at the bottom of the list of posts rather than at the top. Get us to the content FIRST.
I notice that you are not floating the images within the content but letting them stack on top. Especially with the first image I saw of the man with the NO symbol, it would look better floated to the right in the first paragraph, but that’s my opinion. I’m still scrolling for the words to see what this is about.
In the WordPress Codex, there is a good article on wrapping text around images with an option for creating a “centered” image, like you are using. Just information to consider.
The use of graphics instead of words for the title is a nice introduction of an interesting look and font and they seem to be accessible still, so that’s a great touch.
The use of the blockquote “quote” is wonderful, clean, simple, but powerful. And I really like the blue bar titles for the sidebar, very excellent against the lined background.
Overall, clean and nice to look at and the rest are minor details. Good work.