ok, feel free to wait but even then some code editing will be needed … meanwhile if you’re up to it you can try this:
1.) on your dashboard, go to Appearance -> Editor
2.) on the right side there is a list of “templates”, click on “Header
(header.php)” and look for this line
<?php do_action('graphene_header'); ?>
3.) right after it, copy & paste the following code
<div style="position:relative;top:80px;left:28px">
$wpc_constants_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wordpress-connect/src/WordpressConnectConstants.php';
if ( file_exists( $wpc_constants_file ) && function_exists( 'wp_connect_like_box' ) ){
require_once( $wpc_constants_file );
$like_box_width = 320;
$like_box_height = 60;
$colorscheme = WPC_THEME_LIGHT;
$show_faces = WPC_OPTION_DISABLED;
$show_stream = WPC_OPTION_DISABLED;
$show_header = WPC_OPTION_DISABLED;
// render the like box in place
and hit “Update File”
4.) on your dashboard go to WP-Connect -> Like Box
and set https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-4th-Official/194869573877259
as the Like Box URL
and hit “Save Changes”