@lgedeon Both SimpleMap & Store Locator LE/Plus are forks of our original Store Locator plugin (conceived in April ’08, released in December ’08), thus why they may have some similarities; they’re offspring of the same product — siblings so to speak.
SimpleMap was derived from Store Locator starting around February/March ’09 it appears, and Store Locator LE/Plus was derived from Store Locator around December ’10 it appears. However, in comparison, each have somewhat different business models.
But you’re right, documenting when it’s a fork is helpful to avoid confusion amongst users. But it’s looking like the respective developers continue to work towards differentiating themselves, which is helpful to all.
@averyfisher Thanks for your concern/defense of Store Locator. Fortunately or unfortunately, such is life in the open source software space, but guess who ultimately benefits the most — you, the customer.
Maybe even one day, we’ll all join forces to make one superb store locator, but for now, it’s interesting to watch how each product develops.