• Hey guys, wordpress noob here. I am putting together a site for a rather upscale restaurant and am working on finding an appropriate way to put in the menu, and have it easily update-able by the restaurant staff.

    The approach I have tentatively decided on:

    • Haveing a “category” for each menu (lunch menu, dinner menu).
    • Install “supple forms” plugin for price, and sub-category title
    • Input each menu item as its own post using new custom fields
    • Somehow have the 2 menus appear on a single page (2 columns) with the menu item posts displayed in their correnct menu and subcategory (appetizers, entrees…)

    I am posting here so that someone with more experience may tell me if this is a reasonable approach. It will be pretty time consuming entering in all the menu info, and want to be confident I will not have to redo it.

    Also, any advice on an approach to the last item in my list would be greatly appreciated.

    I am a relative novice with respect to wordpress (and CMS stuff in general) but I have a strong background in html/css/javascript and to a lesser extent mysql and php if that matters.

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  • It really depends on how often the menu is changed. There are a variety of ways you can accomplish this goal. You could actually do the same thing with custom post types.

    Thread Starter Zzzzak2002


    I think that changes will be relatively rare, and usually minor (like editing the price etc…) However, I want this as much as possible to be something that I can hand over to the restaurant and not have them contacting me every time they make an update.

    As far as the custom post types, I also installed the custom post type UI and started playing with it a little. Is one or the other of these the more standard approach? Pros/Cons of each perhaps?

    Having spent only a few minutes with each, the supple forms seems more intuitive, but I am willing to learn.

    Thanks for your time!

    I found this plugin for future use if you need it: WordPress Restaurant Menus

    I just created a site for a client using this restaurant theme. There are more out there, but this was the most complete one I found, hardly had to do any coding of my own ?? I’ve been using themes for private clients pretty often lately, the trick is to change up the css and layout just enough as for them never to notice that it’s based on a theme for sale. I mean why reinvent the wheel, right?

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