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  • you should be able to make it work as inline content. something like this:

    <a href="#myFlash-1" class="fancybox">open my flash file</a>
    <div class="fancybox-hidden">
    <div id="myFlash-1" style="?idth:300px;height:300px;">
    ... embed the flash movie here ...

    Thread Starter robertbutler


    OK I’ve had a bit of luck with that inline content code, but I can’t seem to make it work with both firefox and ie9. I think my problem is my flash embedding code. I’ve tried several different methods but none of them work as well as I’d like. Can somebody post a flash embed code snippet that works in all or most browsers? Basically, I’m asking what do i put in the “embed flash movie here” part. Thanks so much!

    What is the embed code you are using?

    Maybe you can try something like:

    <a href="#myFlash-1" class="fancybox">open my flash file</a>
    <div class="fancybox-hidden">
    <object id="myFlash-1" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="680" height="495">
    <param name="movie" value=""/>
    <param name="wmode" value="opaque"/>
    <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/>
    <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680" height="495" wmode="opaque" allowfullscreen="true"/>

    NOTE 1: that classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" is for IE)
    NOTE 2: using only ONE wrapper div here to hide the content, so the inline object needs to get the id="myFlash-1" corresponding with the href="#myFlash-1" in the link…

    Hi All!

    It would be great if somebody answered the question below. I also have swf files that I would like to display in multiple sizes! Anyway how to overide the default swf size for individual swf files? I tried setting width and height parameters but it did not work. Or is there a way to auto detect the with and height of each swf file?

    Superhappy for quick answer!

    Best regards

    Can this plugin display .swf files of different sizes? The settings panel lets me specify a SINGLE size for all swfs. Is there a way to just use the size of the actual swf file?

    Try using the code I have suggested before giving each wrapping div a different size. This way you will not be using the Flash feature of FancyBox but rather the content is displayed as Inline content… At this point, that is the only way to make Easy FancyBox scale to a different size for different (flash) content.

    I had the same problem and found a solution by adding jquery.metadata.js to Easy FancyBox:

    1. Download jquery.metadata.js and place it in the fancybox folder within the easy-fancybox folder
    2. Open easy-fancybox.php and add jquery.metadata.js after line 340 as follows:
      wp_enqueue_script('jquery.metadata.js', plugins_url(FANCYBOX_SUBDIR.'/fancybox/jquery.metadata.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'));
    3. Link your swf with a specific width and height like this:
      <a class="fancybox-swf {width:1024,height:675}" href="link-to-your-swf"></a>

    Hi ricombination, the next version of Easy FancyBox is planned to include the jquery.metadata.js library. So you need not worry about re-applying your customization after the next upgrade ??

    Hi Ravan, good to know – and thank you very much for this great plugin.

    ricombination, I ran into some trouble with implementation of the metadata extension on the Easy FancyBox development version. Do you have a link for me to a working example of you hack so I can compare some things? Thanks ??

    EDIT: Never mind. I found your blog already… Isn’t Google just great? ??

    Hi Ravan, I can offer you a zip containing the plugin with metadata included. Download it from here . This is the version I use on our blog.

    You’re very kind but the dev version is too different… in any case, got it all ironed out and the new version should be available right now. Let me know if you find a problem with it.

    Thanks ??

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