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  • ok i installed this and the spelling check and now my sidebar is under my comments..
    I did not change anything else……………….

    Hey, thanks for updating WP-Grins! I’m installing the new version now, but just a quick thing I noted from the Readme.txt … you said “add the call in wp-admin/quicktags.php” there is no quicktags.php file. Do you mean quicktags.js ?

    Thread Starter alexkingorg


    I’m not sure what you’re talking about – the only updated version of WP Grins is pre-installed in the Plugged In release – there is no updated README yet.

    i have been looing at your webpage and i still failt to find what each of this plug in do.

    Brazilians haven?′t access to Alex King blog since 2005, april. ??

    Thread Starter alexkingorg


    I’m not sure what you mean – is there an error message or something?

    Hi Alex,

    I Don’t Speak English… Sorry.

    Error Message:
    in IE: (60) Connection Timeout.
    in Firefox: The Document contains no data.

    ps: Waiting for… Waiting… Waiting… Waiting… Waiting… The Document contains no data.

    The requested URL could not be retrieved

    While trying to retrieve the URL:

    The following error was encountered:

    * Read Error

    The system returned:

    (60) Connection timed out

    An error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please retry your request.

    Thread Starter alexkingorg


    What is your IP address?

    The following error was encountered:

    * Read Error

    The system returned:

    (54) Connection reset by peer

    Thread Starter alexkingorg


    My server admin says he may have “fixed it” – whatever “it” was.

    That’s ok Alex… Thank You.

    I’ve got this version of WP up and running well except for one thing. When I upload photos (either through an FTP or through the site) and verify that they are in the correct folder, WP-Photo does not allow me to see them to add them to the site. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter alexkingorg


    Are you using the same folder structure?

    Yes. Actually, I tired it by putting images in the sample folder (and ‘t’ folder) and creating a new folder with the same structure. Both attemps did not work.

    I just tried both of these way again and go the same result – nothing.

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