Ok, let’s start with the last question and work upward:
-To modify your search result display, you simply modify the current wordpress template’s search.php template. In other words, it’s the same way you do it with any search.
-This was a mistake on my part, sorry about that. It’s an easy fix: In faceted-search.php, where it says:
$querywhere .= ‘) ORDER BY post_date’;
Change that to:
$querywhere .= ‘) ORDER BY post_date DESC’;
-to make parents appear bold, you would modify lines 553 and 557 to include an if statement which would add a style tag if the statement in true, like so (this would replace line 553):
if(is_array($element[‘children’]) && count($element[‘children’]))
$returnstring .= ‘<li class=”facetedsearch_li”><label for=”searchterm[]” style=”font-weight:bold” class=”facetedsearch_collapsed” id=”facetedsearch_label_’.$element[‘term_id’].'” onclick=”facetedsearch_expand(‘.$element[‘term_id’].’)”>’.$element[‘name’];
$returnstring .= ‘<li class=”facetedsearch_li”><label for=”searchterm[]” class=”facetedsearch_collapsed” id=”facetedsearch_label_’.$element[‘term_id’].'” onclick=”facetedsearch_expand(‘.$element[‘term_id’].’)”>’.$element[‘name’];
For line 557 do something similar.
-Yes, it’s possible to remove main categories. You would have to do an if statement in the same place as above in order to take out the .$element[‘name’] from those lines:
if($element[‘parent’] == 0)
$returnstring .= ‘<li class=”facetedsearch_li”><label for=”searchterm[]” style=”font-weight:bold” class=”facetedsearch_collapsed” id=”facetedsearch_label_’.$element[‘term_id’].'” onclick=”facetedsearch_expand(‘.$element[‘term_id’].’)”>’;
$returnstring .= ‘<li class=”facetedsearch_li”><label for=”searchterm[]” style=”font-weight:bold” class=”facetedsearch_collapsed” id=”facetedsearch_label_’.$element[‘term_id’].'” onclick=”facetedsearch_expand(‘.$element[‘term_id’].’)”>’.$element[‘name’];
And you would have to have a similar if statement replace lines 566 and 570 to take out the checkbox html tag.
-Semi-expanded has a similar solution, where you would replace lines 535-544 with whatever if condition you want them to be expanded by.
Due to time constraints, that’s about as detailed as I can get right now.