sorry it runs on the local host right now, and I cant have it running 24/7, so the link is basically useless.
It was working fine, but now it shows the error at the end of an excerpt
<dc:subject>My sabject</dc:subject>
<summary type=”text/plain” mode=”escaped”><![CDATA[ My excerpt goes here…]]></summary>
<content type=”text/html” mode=”escaped” xml:base=”https://localhost/v4/2005/04/27/ledokol-prolog/”><![CDATA[ blah blah blah, etc.
thus, the validator highlights the closing tag of …]]></summary>
I presume something changed in the atom file in 1.5.1 or it does not go along with my theme (blix) and the excerpt method it uses:
<?php ($post->post_excerpt != “”)? the_excerpt() : the_content(); ?>
<p class=”info”><?php if ($post->post_excerpt != “”) { ?>” class=”more”>read the rest of <?php the_title(); ?> here…<?php } ?>