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  • And aren’t you the sweetie for helping! Thanks.

    I love it when we get good news!

    Thread Starter chuckblue


    You’re welcome.

    Oh, its the folks who volunteer their time at the web host that recommended wordpress.

    Argh, I need more sleep. I forgot to mention where it is we volunteer…

    I dunno, WP as CMS when at present it’s a blogging tool? Isn’t this giving the wrong message to users who come in thinking WP is a great CMS and then find it’s not a CMS at all. I;m sure a WP CMS will happen, but it’s not a CMS, it’s the best blogging tool available.

    WordPress is a CMS, it’s just a CMS geared towards a particular form of presentation, i.e., chronological posts.

    Thread Starter chuckblue


    So what is it then ?

    I can tell the web site person and they can change it.

    It is a blogging tool, that in particular instances, can be used quite well as a CMS.

    WordPress has matured into a CMS from being a blogging tool. With the right plugins, you could do a lot of things other “CMS” can. A well designed templates will allow you to manage how the content will be displayed. What’s best is you only use those plugins you need. In short it is not bloated like *cough*Typo3*cough*.

    Thread Starter chuckblue


    Okay, now I’m more confused.

    Its a blogging tool thats also a cms ?

    Its mentioned under a section titled ‘Content Management’. Blogger and MovableType is also in that same section.

    I think it is confusing – I would personally say it is a blogging tool. Even MT is a blogging tool and they haven’t evolved or matured into CMS’s as such, they can be made up to closely resemble a CMS. I think Denis-de-Bernady’s plugin does a decent job of it, but it’s not a CMS out of the box.

    E107, PHPNuke, Mambo and the like are fully featured CMS software. BLOGCMS has tried to work as both a blog and CMS and it’s pretty poor as a migration between the two. MT, WP, and TXP are also blogging tools, that can be made to look like CMS but again they’re blogs out of the box.

    The Majority of CMS tools come built in with about 101 features that allow you to immediately create a community or business portal. CMS can be used as a blog, but there is a distinction. There are quite a few articles on this that you might Google for.

    Firstly Crosswinds are including blog tools as CMS’s. This is not unreasonable because, as was already pointed out, blog tools are specialised CMS’s.

    Secondly, for a simple site, WordPress is quite a reasonable CMS.

    I set up this site last week using WP. I had to customise an existing theme and I had to write a bit of PHP to get what I wanted for the front page but overall it was not too difficult – if I had wanted a purely static front page that would have been easy, however I wanted a listing of posts by category which required a little work.

    One advantage for me is that I am using the same tool across three sites (one of which is a blog and the remaining one is very blog like).

    I guess you can put this down to personal preference for the WP community it may seem nit pick as to whether it’s described as CMS or a blog tool. Bogger could be set up to look like a CMS, for example, or live journal.

    Although the above link isn’t the holy, righteous guide on what’s a CMS and what isn’t, it’s a good guide.

    Thread Starter chuckblue


    Well, its not that is listing it as a cms.

    WordPress is one of several items listed under Content Management on the crosswinds’ volunteers’ website.

    It does manage content, its just not a content management system.

    So, should it be listed as a blog tool, and not a Content Manager tool ?


    Leave it to your own discretion ?? personally I would say blogging tool with potential functionality of CMS. As I said, there is a disitinction as to how CMS and a blog works, although the lines between the two are slowly evaporating (e107 for example), it’s not quite there yet. People talk about a WP CMS, so if WP is a CMS, then doesn’t that make the idea of a future WP product perhaps WP CMS redundant?

    TXP users call TXP a CMS too, just as WP users call theirs a CMS, and the same goes for others, put the CMS and so-called CMS together and there is a huge variation in out of the box features, as well as the plugins.

    Isn’t the question really about user ability level/experience/willingness to learn a few new things? Out of the box, WP wouldn’t be the best choice of CMS. However, knowing exactly what you want to do with the site, researching the right plugins, modifying a template…all would allow for the CMS functionality being discussed. But for the novice user, with little or no experience, it may not be the solution-yet. I definitely wouldn’t excluded it from any lists, just clearly outline its original design purpose, as well its CMS possibilities.

    Thread Starter chuckblue


    We did include a link to the codex as the location of tutorial and helpfiles.

    okay, we’ll leave it as it is then.

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