• please help!! there is nothing i have not tried to try to fix the promblem of not being able to upload images ever since i upgraded to wordpress 3.1.1. when trying to upload images nothing happens, there is no error message. The pic loads just does not show. Help.

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  • Check your uploads path in Settings->Media

    does wordpress version 3.1.1 even have the settings> media> path?

    I see the media section under settings but no path info.

    Where can I find the path info. I see my images were getting saved on the server under “files” but when I ftp I don’t see the files dir.


    does wordpress version 3.1.1 even have the settings> media> path?

    Yes it does.

    but no path info.

    In most cases, the field should be left blank. Your files are usually uploaded to wp-content/uploads

    I also do not have a settings > media > path in my settings. Could that have been eliminated by some plug-in that’s conflicting?

    Doug M


    Is there an answer to this?

    I have the same problem. No place to “path” setting in the media settings.

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