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  • Wow. Well done.

    I like how there is the smooth transition between pages. My browser doesn’t wipe the background, then reload. It just loads the new page on top of the backgrounds, giving the feeling that I never left a page.

    You have a beautiful, minimalist site. Kudos to you. I’m concerned, however, with the lack of text. You may not be providing enough meat and content for the search engines and for inquisitive minds; I hope you are not sacrificing this for the overall look. There are ways to integrate this elegantly.

    One thing you want to do from the outset is examine your site without images so you can see what the search engines are seeing. If you download Opera (free browser) you can turn the images off and you’ll see exactly what the search engine encounters. If you see mostly blank space – this is not good. One thing you can do to rectify this is to use the SEO All-In-One Plug-in (also free) – and make sure you fill in all the blanks and provide a lot of textual content.

    I know that as graphic designers, we think of these sites as canvases, and the encroachment of text is treated too carefully too often. I say, don’t be afraid to introduce it – with a quote here or an explanatory blurb there. A carefully written blurb with all the keywords is all you need. We do this on our site – – at the very top. Graphically, people end up looking at the carousel in motion. This is not the same type of minimalist site, but we did try to keep text to a minimum at the top. Consider this a challenge!

    Hope this helps – you really do have a great eye – for composition and color. Hey, wanna design some of our logos? You probably have your plate full….



    Wh-what- wow. THAT. Is good.

    This is one of the best I’ve seen here. I am pushed away by crowded,
    claustrophobic sites. Yours rocks.
    Domainstick is right, a little ‘splainin’, not too much, would be helpful. But otherwise, well done. I hope mine looks as clean as yours when I’m done.


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