• I’ve been hearing a lot of “bad things” going on with WordPress v1.5.1 and people saying negative things. Goodness!

    On this forum, you’d think the whole program was a disaster because people are always talking about what is broken, wrong, or mixed up. Well, folks, that is what this forum is for. You got a problem, you come here. Few people who have a trouble-free install and performance take the time to stop in here and say WELL DONE – I’M IMPRESSED – WORDPRESS IS TROUBLE FREE! They come here to complain, whine, and moan, which is what we are here for.

    Hundreds, and soon thousands, of people are running a new install and upgrade of this new version without a hitch. You will not see their comments here. It would be nice, but that’s not what we are here for. You gotta problem, come see us. You don’t have a problem, wonderful!

    I know this is editorial and not very helpful, but I’m starting to see a lot of negative comments about the new version being “broke” and such. Stop it. The development team worked overtime to fix almost 200 different things, some bugs, some improvements. That’s a lot within a couple of months of the last release. They could have sat on their kudos for a few months and relaxed, but they didn’t. They poured their time and energy (and money) into getting this release out faster than most companies produce updates. Good on them.

    The volunteers behind this forum are working overtime this week to help all of you struggling to cope with the new release and your every day issues. We’re doing our best.

    Theme designers and plugin authors are also working overtime to see if their plugin will work consistently with the new version, so give them time to catch up, too.

    As you read through the comments, whines, and complaints, realize that this is not reflective of the whole WordPress community of users. Many are not having any trouble at all. But those who do, they come here.

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  • Maybe we should use this thread for those who’d like to report that they DIDN’T have any trouble! Of course, unless they also come here to try to help, they won’t know about it, I guess….

    In any case, I agree with you 100% Lorelle. And I had no trouble at all with the upgrade on 4 separate installs with all my themes and tweaks….. [Um. Except for my own stupidity with a deleted text file in the root folder, that is!]

    I’m one of silent “Hundreds, and soon thousands, of people” who hasn’t had any problems with the upgrade to 1.5.1.

    Ditto. No problems here. All my plugins work just fine. RSS works. Trackbacks work. I’m a happy camper. ??

    Now, the 1.5.1 karmapress gave me problems…but wouldn’t you know, the official release came out the day AFTER I installed it. ??

    Wait a minute, a new release? I just installed v1.5 on Monday! But I never run into problems when installing WordPress. Cause it’s so easy to install!

    I’m another one for absolutely no problems. Three minutes, start to finish.


    WordPress rocks!

    Oops, spoke too soon. Private posts aren’t working, but that’s no biggie for me, since I only had one and it wasn’t important. If it gets fixed, it does. If not, I’ll save it as a draft.

    WordPress still has my heart.

    Zero problems here.

    Upgrade took longer than advertised but that is due to being a slave to dialup so deleting old files and uploading new thakes longer.

    Other than that, nothing untoward occured and none of the many plugins (a very long list) I have installed have any problems.

    One disappointment – the theme “private, draft” function tease. I cani’t wait for it to be included as a feature.

    To be perfectly honest, my upgrade went relatively well.

    I had one issue with a function that I was able to fix rather easily. Trackbacks/pingbacks/comments/feeds/category dropdown menus all work.

    Of course, I hadnt had any issues before this upgrade either.

    …as I said in the original install process by i think podz…
    I installed the update with not one issue..
    Not one………………
    thanks so much..

    Yup. Worked for me. Replicated a few minor edits (Quicktags, vars.php), and it all works.

    No plugins seem to have broken, and it all looks as expected. And incoming pingbacks work now, which is nice ??

    I upgraded in about 2 min, haven’t experienced any problems yet.

    No problems here. If you follow the great tutorial, it’s not bad at all. I had forgotten to deactivate my plugins, so I created my own glitches, but I worked them out. I did have to adjust one file for one of my plugins, but a solution was already posted in the Upgrade thread. The upgrade even inspired me to work on my validation errors. On my main site, I’m down to 11 errors (which I’ll work on later today) from 112 errors.

    4 Minutes 30seconds, and Dolly was looking swell

    I had no problems either. Worked fine. No plugin problems either and I’ve got 23 active plugins! Didn’t even deactivate them.

    No problems.

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