• Ryan


    I can’t find where to remove “Proudly powered by WordPress and designed by code reduction”.

    Can anyone help me?

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  • Unless you provide a link to a page demonstrating the problem, no one will be able to offer much in the way of assistance.

    One way to do it is to go into the editor, into the footer.php file, and remove or comment out the following:

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I don’t think that’s the best way to do it, but it does work. I couldn’t figure out where that text was coming from either.

    While removing the get_footer() function will technically work, it is definitely not a good idea, as the footer also typically includes other things such as the closing tags for <body> and <html>, not to mention various other WordPress functions.

    It’s best to post the link to your site as @esmi recommends. It may even be beneficial to post the code to your footer.php file found in https://www.yoursite.com/wp-content/themes/<yourthemename>/footer.php. Make sure to use the WordPress Pastebin if the code is longer than a dozen or so lines.

    The relevant part of the footer is located in the wp-content/themes/codium-extend/functions.php file. Change the part that looks like this:

    function footer_link() {
    	$anchorthemeowner='<a href="https://www.code-2-reduction.fr/codium_extend/" title="code reduction" target="blank">code reduction</a>';
      	$textfooter = __('Proudly powered by <a href="https://www.www.remarpro.com">Wordpress</a> and designed by ', 'codium_extend' );
      	$content = '<div id="footerlink"><div class="alignright"><p>' .$textfooter. $anchorthemeowner.'</p></div><div class="clear"></div></div></div>';
      	echo $content;

    Change it to your liking or to remove it completely, just edit the last line to echo an empty string, like this:

    echo '';

    First go to editor after that go to fotter.php than you can remove it.

    The only thing that fully worked for me was the following:
    In the functions.php file, instead of

    function footer_link() {
    	//$weburl = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    	//$weburlcount = strlen($weburl);
    	$anchorthemeowner='<a href="https://www.code-2-reduction.fr/codium/" title="code reduction" target="blank">code reduction</a>';
      	$textfooter = __('A nice revamping of Sandbox theme for <a href="https://www.www.remarpro.com">WordPress</a> by ', 'codium' );
      	$content = '<div id="footer"><div class="center"><p>' .$textfooter. $anchorthemeowner.'</p></div><div class="clear"></div></div></div>';
      	echo $content;

    leave only

    function footer_link() {
      	$content = '<div id="footer"><div class="center"><p>Your text or whatever</p></div><div class="clear"></div></div></div>';
      	echo $content;

    How do you modify or remove the footer (with copyright and Backcountry Child Theme on Genesis Framework) in Backcountry Child Theme?


    Please start your own topic. Hijacking others’ threads is considered to be inconsiderate.

    @wahnsinn: Please create a new thread of your own. I’d also recommend asking on the StudioPress forums instead of the general WordPress forums.

    To the OP:

    First, when asking a Theme-specific question, you should always mention the Theme you’re using. In this case, it appears to be Codium Extend?

    Second, I strongly recommend making any such changes as this one in a Child Theme.

    Third, since the function in question is not pluggable or filterable, I would recommend simply removing the action. In the functions.php of your Child Theme, add the following:

    remove_action( 'wp_footer', 'footer_link', 11 );

    If you then want to add something in place of what you’ve removed, do something like the following:

    function codium_extend_child_footer_text() {
      	$content = '<div id="footer"><div class="center"><p>CUSTOM TEXT GOES HERE</p></div><div class="clear"></div></div></div>';
      	echo $content;
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'codium_extend_child_footer_text' );

    (Note: generally speaking, the wp_footer action hook should not be used to output HTML markup. It is intended for outputting of footer scripts, etc. You would be better off simply replacing footer.php in your Child Theme, and placing any custom HTML markup directly in the template file.

    Thank you and I’m sorry about my error. This is the first forum on which I’ve ever posted a question. NOVICE! I will be better about my etiquette going forward ??



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