• I have been asked to update my version of wordpress. the person who set this up for me does not remember any of the passwords or anything. how do i change any of it. I have no idea what a hostname is. I am not sure what username or password she used or what a FTP or FTPS (SSL) is. FTP is checked. how do I find this stuff out! Help. i find this whole site VERY confusing.

    Any help. thanks…

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  • did you try:
    logging in to dashboard at
    there should be a button at top for upgrading
    click it and wait

    for upgrading? how? i think he needs to know his username and password. after that, will we receive an email from this site telling the username and password?

    You could possibly try ‘localhost’ and the same username and password you logged in with. But that is a wild, wild guess.

    If WP was set up the way you are implying, and you need FTP details, then that is more of a host issue than a WordPress issue.

    try going to your site as Samuel suggested… then try “forgot password” and try all your email adresses….

    good luck!!!

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