• mtemp


    Hi there people!

    I have a handmade homepage on a LAMPP system.
    There is a index.php in the root directory and for each category (main menu item) a subfolder. In these subfolders there are several PHP files and each PHP file stands for a submenu item (there is no third level).

    Now I want to intgegrate WP/a blog in the root index.php and a blog e.g. in /subfolder/filename.php and e.g. in /subfolder/another_filename.php
    These different blogs should be administrated by several people (in best case with Windows Live Writer for people not having experiences with the TinyMCE-/WYSIWYG editor which is sometimes “buggy” to use (eg inserting formatted text).

    Now the question of a WP novice:
    It is possible to integrate WP Multisite in the mentioned structure?


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  • Yes.

    actually, this is pretty much what ti was built for. the only catch I see is how much you need to stick to the pre-exisiting php filenames. Tho you can usually fudge that with the permalinks.

    Thread Starter mtemp


    Ok, so it may be better to use only one blog for all articles. All these articles will appear on the homepage and articles of specific categories or with specific tags will appear in specific sub menue items (specific php files in subfolders).
    But what should happen after clicking on the “further” button of an article? Displaying the full article on the homepage or open the article in the specific subfolder if it has the specific category/tag?

    Hmm… I thought it would be easier ??

    Thanks for your reply!

    All these articles will appear on the homepage and articles of specific categories or with specific tags will appear in specific sub menue items (specific php files in subfolders).
    But what should happen after clicking on the “further” button of an article? Displaying the full article on the homepage or open the article in the specific subfolder if it has the specific category/tag?

    This sounds like default behaviour of a single WordPress blog.

    Category permalinks are made automatically. The use of the “read more” (your further button” is built in.

    those subfolders are part of the pretty permalink structure and now that I see more of what you’re asking I have no idea why you’re looking at multisite. A single install should do, unless there’s something I’m missing.

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