• After agonizing over the work involved in changing hosts, I went for it. I saw that PowWeb seemed to be highly recommended. I ordered, paid, used their prompt to download WP, and what do you know…they installed 1.2.2. Arrrrrrrgh. I’ve sent them an email, but I’m now starting to think that my old host may not be as bad as I thought….

    Their installation overwrote all of my files, so I suppose I’ll need to manually delete them and manually install WP 1.5. Is that correct?

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  • I did the same thing. Working for a client, I made a reccommendation to move to Powweb (they wanted frontpage extensions for interim). After being with one ISP, I moved and simply these guys are terrible. Their entire mail server that we were put on has serious problems in that we can receive but not send email. It’s their mail servers. Also DNS and subdomain redirects DONT work. I also found their admin console (not cpanel) funky. Bottom Line, I have to move the client again, making me look bad for reccommending Powweb and lost time and effort with DNS downtime to move to another. I was going to go with OpenSOurceHost and the only thing stopping me was no FrontPage (understandably but client needs transistion). My recco is don’t go to powweb…you get what you pay for and i got the wrong end of the draw on the servers they put us on.

    I am doing both Drupal 4.6 and WordPress 1.5 development and design.

    It doesn’t surprise me that Powweb installed 1.2.2. I mean WordPress is simple enough to install (unlike MT which I’ve gone off of–install, rebuild, regid-design, and trying to do both self-hosted and hosted platforms, not as open as WordPress community, etc).

    Ok a word of warning, PowWeb give you what you pay for, they’re a very cheaply run, low cust budget hosting company. These guys are pretty bad, they even moderate complaints that are constructive, by pretending they never existed and thus the problem never happened. It’s a very very strange company that can’t take criticism. I’d get out while you can switch to another host and search here for Hosts, also check out webhostingtalk.com

    If your file are overwritten, your files are overwritten. The only thing I can suggest is that you may have a backup somewhere? Failing that, perhaps the hosting company has a backup of your overwritten files/ Talk to them, though I wouldn’t hold my breath, failing all of that, you’re buggered

    thanks. i agree. what are your thoughts on blue host or opensourcehost? i’ll check webhostingtalk as well.

    frankly, powweb should be taken off the hosting page here…..

    Moderator James Huff


    I’m starting to get a pretty high opinion of BlueHost. I hear a lot of great things, and I don’t see many negative posts about BlueHost on WebHostingTalk.

    try AffordableHost (https://www.affordablehost.com), which was recently acquired by dotCanada. It offers cPanel and the latest and greatest applications through Fantastico (including WP 1.5!). I also recommend TextDrive (https://www.textdrive.com), and part of the proceeds of your web hosting fee goes back to the developers of WordPress. BUT one caveat: No cPanel console. It’s a very sparse console, but the user forum is very active, the devs are in there all the time, and geekery abounds. I believe they are running BSD. There is talk of a more user-friendly console, but that is down the road aways. However, spam seems to be virtually eradicated. Don’t ask me why, but I’ve not had one bit of spam on any of the sites I have over at Textdrive.


    Powweb is a joke since it was bought out by Endurance and their customer base is bailing, however there will always be new suckers who see such a lucrative offer and sign up for it.


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