• Hello,

    I have a custom field called “end-date”, and i need to query posts that have not passsed the date i declared to that value.

    for example, i have a post that the meta key end-date is 110302 (year/month/day) and i dont want it in my query because its older than today’s date, but i want the ones that have a value that is still to come, like 110315

    im defining a new query

    $time = time() + ( get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600 );
    $today = gmdate( 'ymd', $time );
    $wp_query  = new WP_Query( array(
    'meta_key' => 'data-final',
    'meta_value' => '$today',
    'meta_compare' => '>=' ) );

    i dont know if its correct, but i want to compare today’s date, to the date i have in the custom field.

    Basicly what i need is, query every post that has a date that is newer than today, ommiting the ones that are older, order those results by another date in another custom field called date.

    Its kind of complex, i hope someone cal help, Thank you

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  • Assuming that the query you showed is working properly, you should be able to use these filters to order the posts by the value of the meta_key = ‘date’. Place this code ahead of your query. Note that the code is UNTESTED.

    function mam_posts_join ($join) {
       global $mam_global_join;
       if ($mam_global_join) $join .= " $mam_global_join";
       return $join;
    function mam_posts_orderby ($orderby) {
       global $mam_global_orderby;
       if ($mam_global_orderby) $orderby = $mam_global_orderby;
       return $orderby;
    $mam_global_join = "JOIN $wpdb->postmeta mx ON (mx.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID AND mx.meta_key = 'date')";
    $mam_global_orderby = " mx.meta_value ASC";

    After the query, you should turn off the filters by resetting the two global variables:

    $mam_global_join = $mam_global_orderby = '';

    Thread Starter Jo?o Sardinha


    Thank you for your answer, but how can i display only the intended posts? Display only the ones that have a date that has not passed.

    Thank you

    Looks like the code you showed should work, but maybe there is a typo in your meta_key: ‘data-final’ vs ‘date-final’?

    Or, are you asking how to code a loop to display the posts?

    Thread Starter Jo?o Sardinha


    It’s not a typo, im developing the website in Portuguese, i wrote the post in English to be easier ??

    Some help coding the loop would be much apreciated thank you

    You should avoid calling anything $wp_ something because it may interfere with a built-in variable: $wp_query is used by WP, for example.

    $my_query  = new WP_Query( array(
    'meta_key' => 'data-final',
    'meta_value' => '$today',
    'meta_compare' => '>=' ) );

    You can find a great deal of information, including examples in the Codex article The Loop.

    The exact details that you need to code will depend on your theme. I suggest that you look at your index.php and single.php files (if they exist), or loop.php, to see how to code loops for your theme.

    Thread Starter Jo?o Sardinha


    Thank you ??

    I have this bit, it works, but i need to order the results with another custom field and i dont know how to do that.

    $time = time() + ( get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600 );
    $today = gmdate( 'ymd', $time );
    $wp_query = new WP_Query();
    $wp_query->query('meta_key=data-final&meta_compare=<=&meta_value=' . $today . '&orderby=meta_value&order=desc'.'&paged='.$paged);
    if ($wp_query->have_posts()) : while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post();?>

    i know the function is deprecated in the new version, that why i tried with the array in the first post, can someone help please? Im really lost here

    Use the query you showed at first with the filters that I showed you, followed by the if (have_posts()) loop.

    Thread Starter Jo?o Sardinha


    I don’t know how to do that, can you help me?

    I also found this, which seems to be very similar or equal to what im looking for https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2427912/wordpress-custom-query

    Trying to solve a problem like this is very difficult when you can only see fragments of the code. Please put your entire template that you have so far in a pastebin and post a link to it here. If at all possible, have it selecting the correct posts even if it is not putting them in the correct order.

    If you do not have a working template, use your index.php instead.

    Thread Starter Jo?o Sardinha



    So far its showing, for example, a post with the end date of today, some posts with the end date of yesterday, some tith the date before yesterday, etc… if i switch the sign < to > in the compare it will show me the very first posts in the category im viewing.

    Here is a pastebin of working code: https://pastebin.com/KWr2560F

    Thread Starter Jo?o Sardinha


    Thank you for your time, i couldnt make that code to work, but a friend helped me and it worked.

    here is the pastebin in case some one need it too


    but thank you very much vtxyzzy ??

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