I’ve been wandering in here quite a few times for the last 16 months or so, and I do because when I downloaded WP I read what Matt wrote: “The most valuable donation you can give is your time, be it on the support forums, coding, or writing documentation.”
I can’t code but I do the other two. And money ? Where’s that from then eh ?
You want support ? Fine, you can have support.
You want a Theme creating – which is effectively what you do want – then that is beyond what we can do in the forums. That would need you AND the person helping you to have infinite patience, and ability to read between the lines of each post and know not only what to do but also what not to do, to be in the same time-zone ……
Find a theme you like – and with over 250+ out there one MUST come close – and if you want it to then be turned black, post.
If you really DO want that theme but with a sidebar, then I suggest that in this very thread you ask for someone to contact you and you offer them a fair price for their time and skills. I would advise that this will not be cheap.
Do NOT assume ANYTHING about people helping here, be that this money of which you speak, their knowledge or motivation.