• samb0005



    I am hoping that someone might be able to help me! Am trying to use the Boldy theme for a website and in the home boxes section, instead of just showing the first few lines and then a read more link, it actually shows all the text from the featured page as well as full sized images. If anyone knows how to sort this out I would appreciate it!


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  • Nerx


    Have you changed the PHP in the Theme editor?

    Thread Starter samb0005


    Thanks for your reply. No I hadn’t made any major changes and have just reloaded all the original files incase something I had done had made the error, but it is still happening. Are there any settings or anything else I could maybe check?

    Alwyn Botha


    >>>it actually shows all the text from the featured page as well as full sized images

    Thats how that theme is written

    you have to find the_content and replace it with the_excerpt in index.php in theme folder

    Thread Starter samb0005


    Thanks for the reply. I’ve just tried changing that (see below) but unfortunately it hasnt made any difference. Is there anything else I needed to do as well as change the content to excerpt?

    <!– Begin .postBox –>
    <div class=”postItem”>

    <h1>“><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    <div class=”meta”>
    <?php the_time(‘M j, Y’) ?>   //   by <span class=”author”><?php the_author_link(); ?></span>   //   <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?>  //  <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments’, ‘1 Comment ‘, ‘% Comments’); ?>
    <?php the_excerpt(__(‘Read more >>’)); ?>


    <!– End .postBox –>

    Did anyone get this problem solved? I am having the identical issue with the boldy theme, and replacing the_content with the_excerpt doesn’t change anything.

    Yeah, you have to create separate pages for your home boxes as mentioned in their documentation — I failed to see it too:

    You need to first create pages for JUST the content visible on the homepage boxes, including images. Then go to Options page and select the page to be displayed for each box.” — doc

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