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  • lca7


    Very nice blog,the pictures of the post in the home page looks the same size,how to achieve this effect?

    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]



    By setting fixed parameters for images in a chosen div.

    .some-div img {width: 50%; height: 50%;}

    <div class="some-div"><img src="some-image.jpg"></div>



    M_K_J, please stop spamming your Alloy Guide link.



    The page looks nice, I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. I think you should try to fix a more specific color-template though. Right now it looks like your colors are kind of jumbled up. I guess this is mostly due to the ads. They don′t exactly blend in.

    I try to keep a consistent colorscheme of blue and yellow on my own page

    Here′s a good site for developing colorschemes.

    Best of luck to you!



    Yeah, that’s a really crisp and bold design.

    A tiny note: the image you’ve used in the top-right corner (for rss) looks fuzzy and detracts from the crispness of your theme. I think you may need a higher-resolution image.

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