Deactivate – yes. Including going to the server, renaming the folder, the whole nine yards.
Yes, I switched to the default theme. This is happening to all my sites, no matter what theme.
I’m not sure why I should look at it – I use it. There doesn’t seem to be anything unexpected about it. Oh – I see. Yeah. I’ve switched it on and off. And on and off. And emptied the cache and restarted the computer. And added code people on the other six threads suggested. The really odd thing is that for one minute, the visual editor snapped itself on. Then off again. Haven’t seen it since. That was in the first four days.
The visual editor screen is white when I open a post. If I select the field, I can see that the font is white, but that there is copy there. However, it’s html encoded. And there are no editing buttons. If I switch to the HTML side, I see the same copy, html encoded. There are basic buttons (for bold, italics, etc) on that side). If I switch back to visual, the font has gone black, but everything is still encoded.
I would love to do the “Rich Text Editing” thing, but I can’t find the place where he did it. Some people have suggested that I check my version of PhP, which i was going to do last night. But I decided to do one more re-install manually – which I did on my laptop. But it seems that the download of 3.1 had been made on my other computer. So what I ended up re-installing was 3.0.1 –
My visual editor then was happy as a clam. So I am shut out of 3.1 if I want to use it, evidently. I am hosted on a linux server, if that helps. I use Safari on a Mac.
It’s just really frustrating to be 90 percent user, then run into something like this. I’d love to upgrade again, but no visual editor (and I don’t want to use that less pleasant plug-in some people have given up and gone to) just slows everything down drastically. I use a lot of images and caption them. Which requires previewing and refreshing at every change.
Everything on the Master List trouble shooting thing i have tried. And as I say – even the code things I have tried. Why would it have popped in like that just for that one tiny amount of time and never do it again? I am kind of freaked out.