• Buen Viaje Social Club


    Hi everyone,

    I ve been having problems with the CPU consumption for some months now, having me blog closed on several occasions.

    I am only using 7 widgets and 11 plugins. I am quite new into wordpress and not a code expert whatsoever.

    Last thing I tried to do was to install the WP Super Cache plugin but…my blog and admin dashboard went both blank! Completely blank!
    I desintalled that plugin and everything went back to life. I decided to install the WP total cache and change permision on the wp content file to chmod 777, following someone s suggestion. I left it all defalut but I also cached the database, and deactived the preview mode to make it work effectively.

    I am with duoservers.es and what they ve said to me is that me main CPU load comes from this two things:



    I ve slowed down the slideshow of the main page and I ve also removed the youtube video there…although I dont like the way it looks at this speed and don t think the youtube video has anything to do at all.

    In case it helps I ve got 100 visitors on average per day and have bought twice extra CPU and still having the problem.

    Thank you

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