• Hi

    I’m trying to upload images files through the Media Library | Add New (Both the browser and flash)

    It keeps failing – with the flash upload I get this message: Unable to create directory /www/getmelearning.com/wp-content/upLoads/2011/02. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Is anyone able to tell me what to do here? I’m a pretty basic user. Happy to read up if you simply want to point me in the right direction


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  • Unable to create directory /www/getmelearning.com/wp-content/upLoads/2011/02. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Change the permissions on the /wp-content directory so that it is writable by the server. That will allow wordpress to create the uploads directory. After it does, change the permission on /wp-content back to 0755.

    Thread Starter netbibs


    Hi… I’ve been trying to implement your suggestion, by myself and then with the help of my hosting company’s techncial people… I still get the same error.

    They now say “I believe that this is a problem with your WordPress core, since the permissions of the upLoad folder are already set to 777. for some reason, WordPress fails to detect the correct permissions.”

    Have you got any other suggestions? Can I create the folder structure manually?

    Many thanks

    /wp-content/upLoads/2011/02. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    I think the most common cause for that error, is the wp-content directory needing to be temporarily writable, in order for wordpress to create the uploads folder during the first media upload. Short of that, I suppose you could have some sort of odd ownership issue.

    , since the permissions of the upLoad folder are already set to 777

    So the directory already exists? If the directory already exists, it appears to be unusually named. The directory name is normally uploads, all lower case, plural form. WordPress creates a directy named “uploads” when the /wp-content directory is writable.

    I’m out if ideas beyond those issues. Might be something helpful here:

    “Unable to create directory” “/wp-content/uploads” “is its parent directory writable by the server”

    Thread Starter netbibs


    Hey… want to say thank you for your help.

    I looked a the other posts you identified on this issue, in the end found one by JesseLuna where he talked about editing the Media Settings in WordPress…

    All I did was accessed the Media Settings, and changed the Uploading Files | Store uploads in this folder field as follows:

    From: /www/getmelearning.com/wp-content/upLoads
    To this: /getmelearning.com/wp-content/upLoads

    And it worked.

    Thanks again.

    I’m glad you got it working. Good luck to you!

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