• Im trying to integrate WP into a site I allready created before I decided to use WP… And its a real pain.. ??

    Anyway, my new theme gets listed under “Broken Themes” in the Admin Interface. Description is “Template is missing.”

    Index.php and style.css is there…

    I would like to be able to choose it, to see if anything is working at all… ??

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  • Moderator James Huff


    All you have to do to integrate WordPress into your pre-existing webpage is add the Loop to your pre-existing webpage.


    For more info, please do a search here for “integrate” or “the loop”.

    Thread Starter spec


    Yeah, getting there..

    Still, I cant activate the new theme-thing Im working on to see how it looks, cause it claims that “Template is missing.”…

    Moderator James Huff


    The template needs to be designed to WordPress specs. It needs to have a specific header in the style.css file, it needs to have a few basic files with it, and it needs to reside one directory below /themes/, no futher. Ex: /wp-content/themes/new-theme/. More info:

    I too have been trying to create a new theme entitled “ejm”. I believe I have followed the instructions at


    In the ejm file, there is an image, comments.php, index.php (that is a direct copy of the index in my new default folder) and style.css

    index.php has been updated to replace <code><?php echo get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/wp-layout.css and <code><?php include(ABSPATH . 'wp-comments.php'); ?> with
    <code><?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> and
    <code><?php comments_template(); ?>

    at the top of style.css, I have added the required top section (for this forum, I have changed the URLs)

    Theme Name: ejm
    Theme URI: https://myblog/
    Description: (this theme was a heavily modified version of pollux)
    Version: 0.1
    Author: ejm
    Author URI: https://mydomain/
    Template: Pollux that was based on gemini
    The images (which must not be altered in any way) used in this theme are strictly for non-commercial use only.

    The theme files are in wordpress/wp-content/themes/ejm

    This is the message that is in my admin file:
    ejm Template is missing.

    What file(s) have I missed uploading?

    Remove this line from style.css:

    Template: Pollux that was based on gemini

    I don’t believe “Template:” is to be used as a descriptive tag.

    Try deleting the “Template…” line.

    Thanks guys; that did the trick.

    The original pollux style sheet had that “template:” descriptive and I had just left it in. Now that it is removed the ejm folder is available.

    No, the original pollux has this:
    Template: gemini
    Theme Name: Pollux
    Description: Warm yellows and browns, ever so slightly inspired by the <a href="https://textpattern.com">Textpattern</a> admin interface.
    Author: not (that) ugly
    Author URI: https://not-that-ugly.co.uk

    Odyssey interface and Gemini template for WordPress 1.3 designed and built
    by Root https://www.atthe404.com/blog/. Mutilate however you please. Credit not required but always welcome, unless you make the thing neon green.

    which means it doesn’t have its own “main template” (index.php) so it uses the gemini’s index.php. All the so-called ‘parasite’ themes are using files from other themes and in that case you have to define which files are to be pulled.

    For clarity the template parameter is used where the CSS resides in one directory and the remainder of the files are in another. This would be used where there is one theme but multiple styles.

    I stand corrected moshu. I did not at all understand how that template worked, nor did I understand why I had to have the gemini folder in 1.2.2. I just put it there when I installed the pollux theme. When I moved the pollux stylesheet over, I left the template descriptive there thinking that it was a credit to the original author of the stylesheet template… I guess I added the “gemini” part to it.

    I’ve now moved the gemini/pollux credit down into the notes below the version number

    Root, thank you for reiterating moshu’s explanation.

    Well I dont want gemini brought into disrepute. ??

    Root; would you like me to remove any mention of gemini on my stylesheet? I haven’t examined the gemini stylesheet to see how much of it is still retained on what I have now….

    I never mind about this type of thing. It is very kind of folk to back track but it is only a bit of html / css. Do what seems good.

    I’ll leave the gemini name on then. The things that I have changed are colours, images, widths (it’s dynamic width now rather than fixed) but I would never have had the patience to do the whole thing from scratch. I’m glad you did though!

    For dynamic you could have used Maximus. But glad you are satisfied anyway. Good luck.

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