White Screen on Blog & Admin Page only!!
I recently upgraded automatically and after that happened all these problems started surfacing! I cannot see my blog page nor my admin page to log in!
https://www.suska.ca is my website – and you can see if you click on blog it goes white,
https://www.suska.ca/wp-admin/ is also no go!Yes I googled around – disabled my whole plugins folder (which is why most of the stuff on my site doesn’t work – like the contact form and page excluder etc). I also reinstalled version 3.0.2 back. When I disable my theme my guess it reverts to the standard wordpress theme which is a blog in itself and it also goes blank!
So I feel it has something to do with the actual blog page and the entries – as my pages show up fine!
I head some talk about editing the functions.php but Im not really sure what to do with it – im not THAT savy and don’t really know what I’m looking for there.
Anyone have this problem? Can anyone guide me in the right direction? I spent so much time customizing and updating my site/blog for it to go to waste!!
Thank you!
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