• Hi! We recently signed up for the WebPurify ImageFilter. We currently use their Profanity Filter plugin and it works great. The only problem with the Image Filter is that I need to implement it manually. I thought I wouldn’t have any issues, but it looks like I am already banging my head against the wall. They give some basic instructions, sample code, etc.

    For Example:

    $checkurl = “https://api1.webpurify.com/services/rest/?method=webpurify.live.imgcheck&api_key=%5BAPI KEY]&imgurl=https://farm1.static.flickr.com/30/59010752_4d16aca1ec_o.jpg
    $response = simplexml_load_file($checkurl,’SimpleXMLElement’, LIBXML_NOCDATA);

    Their documentation is here.

    To sum things up, we are running on WordPress 3.0.4 and BuddyPress 1.2.7. I took a look at the WebPurify TextReplace plugin code to see if I could figure anything out from there, but had no luck. I also checked out some bp-core files. bp-core-avatars.php had nothing for me either. I was hoping I could find how it works there. But it looks like it points to /wp-admin/includes/image.php which I am guessing handles all image uploads for wordpress, then places them in the according uploads folder. I couldnt figure out where to put the code to send the request to WebPurify to check the image. I want it to check every image on the site that is uploaded, so I am assuming implementing it in this file would be the best bet. We have the option to upload an avatar as well as a photo gallery. Im not sure how the gallery handles uploads, but if I can figure this part out, I think I should be fine with that. Hopefully its all handled the same though with WP core files. Any help would be great!

    Thanks in advance!


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