• I have looked everywhere for an answer to my question but can’t find one. Every reference I find to the code needed in the child theme .css file is along the lines of: @import url(../thematic/style.css); – none of them provide the full path.

    I have tried putting the complete url in to my child theme css i.e. @ import “https://www.jfct.com.au//public_html/counsel/wp-content/themes/twentyten” and have tried this both with ‘url’ in front and without, but I continue to get a message saying:

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Can anyone tell me what my error is please?

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  • the full path to the parent theme style sheet is not needed.

    what is the content of style.css of your child theme?

    (for longer code please use a https://wordpress.pastebin.com/ )

    what is your parent theme?
    and what is the relative path to the theme?

    Thread Starter bdsr


    Hi alchymyth,
    I am so grateful for your help!

    When you say the full path is not needed, do you mean that I should have the following:
    @import url(“../twentyten/style.css”);
    That still doesn’t work so clearly there is another problem.

    My style.css is here https://wordpress.pastebin.com/aHtrrHMR
    I also have a comments.php file in my child theme which is blank.

    My parent theme is twentyten.
    Re the relative path, I am not 100% sure what you are asking, but the path to the twentyten theme is /public_html/counsel/wp-content/themes/twentyten
    and the path to the child theme is /public_html/counsel/wp-content/themes/twentyten child

    the only unusual seems to be the space in the new folder name:

    wp-content/themes/twentyten child

    try to remove the space or change it to an underline, for instance to:


    i can see your site using the twenty ten child theme – is it working now?

    Thread Starter bdsr


    Yes it is working now. Thank you SO much.

    One related question though that is puzzling me: even though I deleted and reinstalled my child theme it is now called twentyten child child theme. I can’t get rid of the second ‘child’. Does that matter?

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