You would make a new page template. Probably just a copy of another template…. I start with index.php normally.
You don’t call the template in the coding, you make the template, and then make a normal WP page. when you make the page, on the right is a dropdown which allows you to assign a template to a page.
The template would only affect the page you assign it to.
The query would go before the first line of the loop ( the if have posts while posts bit)
The query would call in whatever posts/pages you specify.
You would update the posts or pages being queried by the template using the normal WP editor. Once the template is made, you would not have to touch it again.
If you wanted the posts or pages to change automatically rather than editing the template, the best way would be to query posts based on some criteria….say by category, or by tag. And then limit the posts shown to 2 in the query.
Then only assign that certain tag or category to posts meant for the page using the template. Whenever a new post is made using that category or tag or whatever you use, it would go to that page.