Just updated and tested the form. Special characters seem to be working fine. Thanks!
I noticed some CSS changes, I believe. I have to tweek it a little but it shouldn’t be a problem. The checkbox input field has a flex-direction: column;
and needs to be a flex-direction: row;
I think.
I’ll also take a look at the translation to Portuguese (pt_PT). I was surprised to see it has so many strings, and then I found out a lot of them are countries.
As a feature request, there should probably be a way to change the appearance of the sent email. For example, the checkbox input field I mentioned, the label gets repeated in the email, as label and content. I use it as a consent input. It looks like this:
Nome: Teste 2 á?àá?é??éê
Email: ****
Telefone: ****
Mensagem: Teste 2 á?àá?é??éê
Aceito a cedência de dados para esclarecimento de dúvidas: Aceito a cedência de dados para esclarecimento de dúvidas
This email was sent to notify you of a response made through the contact form on https://clac.pt.
Time: 2025-01-23 21:57:05
IP Address: *******
Form URL: /modalidades/atletismo/
Thanks for your work. Let me know if I can help in anything else.