Hi @discountpleasure,
Thank you for your message.
Our plugin is not used to optimize the amount of disk space used. The plugin can be used to optimize the weight of images loaded on the website, which makes the website load faster.
Maybe I’ll tell you how our plugin works?
When a browser tries to download an image file, the plugin checks if it supports the AVIF format (if enabled in the plugin settings). If so, the browser will receive an equivalent of the original image in the AVIF format. If it does not support AVIF, but supports the WebP format, the browser will receive the equivalent of the original image in WebP format. In case the browser does not support either WebP or AVIF, the original image is loaded. This means full support for all browsers.
Our plugin does not modify or delete original files. Files converted to WebP and AVIF formats are saved in a separate directory: /wp-content/uploads-webpc/.