• Hello guys,
    I am completely new in XHTML, that is the reason why I was so excited about WordPress. However, the Theme I am using does not provide options to modify the Footer. The only option is to modify code in Footer editor.

    So I am wondering if someone could possibly help me to remove certain tags from the editor, to get rid of unwanted parts of the footer.

    Parts I would like to remove are: “Stay in Touch” and “More”.

    Here is URL of that website:


    and below is a complete code copied from Footer editor.

    Thank you so much for your help.

    Large amount of code removed by moderator – use a pastebin

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  • Please don’t paste huge chunks of code as per the Forum Rules – use the WordPress Pastebin

    for longer section of code (as your code above) please use a pastebin: https://wordpress.pastebin.com/
    when posting (short bits of) code here, please use the ‘code’ button (click it once before pasting your code, and once after the pasting; or highlicht the code and press the ‘code’ button.

    this here is the ‘stay in touch’ section of the footer code:

    <div class="fcol">
    <div class="fcol_pad">
    <h3><?php _e('Stay In Touch',TDOMAIN);?></h3>
    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container_class' => '', 'container' => null, 'menu_class' => 'footer_nav','theme_location' => 'footer_social' ) ); ?>

    and directly after this is the ‘more’ section:

    <div class="fcol">
    <div class="fcol_pad">
    <h3><?php _e('More',TDOMAIN);?></h3>
    <?php if(pagelines('welcomemessage')):?><div class="welcomemessage"><?php echo pagelines('welcomemessage');?></div><?php endif;?>

    remove both sections at your own peril ??

    making a backup copy of the theme files is always a good idea

    Thread Starter Hobbart24


    Thank you so much guys for your help.
    My apology for posting the whole code, I did not know that there is the pastebin option.
    Thanks again for your support.


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  • The topic ‘How to remove unwanted info in FOOTER ?’ is closed to new replies.